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ToggleIf you want the hottest wheels on the track, you’ll have to do some of the hardest things in Hot Wheels Unleashed.
In Hot Wheels Unleashed, you drive different Hot Wheels cars around tracks in boring places like the Kitchen. Because the cars are so small, the furniture looks huge compared to them, which adds to the nonsense that makes the game so entertaining.
There is a dedicated fan base, which means that if you start playing today, you will have a lot to learn. And because winning depends on how well you know how to drive, some achievements are especially hard to get.
Box Collector

Requirements – Open a total of 100 Blind Boxes.
Blind Boxes are the easiest way to get brand-new cars, and you can get them in a number of ways. The easiest way is to buy them from the in-game store for 500 coins per box. You can also earn them through boss races and City Rumble.
If you want to buy them from the store, it will take you a while, because races give you coins based on where you finish. Before you can get this achievement, you’ll need to win at least 100 races.
Now Try Online

Requirements – Win a quick race with AI Difficulty set to Hard.
This one is skill-based by nature, so you should practice drifting and cutting corners at the right time in multiplayer. Once you’re ready, go to the settings and set the AI difficulty to “hard.” Then, choose a short track you know well.
You only have to win the race to get the achievement. It’s easy to do because you only have to do it once, but you will need to play Happy Wheels game for a long time before you get to this point.
Keeper Of Secrets

Requirements – Meet the requirements of all nine Secret Events.
Keeper of Secrets can be hard to understand if you don’t know what you need to do to complete each step or don’t have the right items. For a few of them, all you have to do is win boss races, so you can get four of them just by playing the campaign.
If you want to get the rest of this achievement, you’ll have to do some hard things, like win The Journey Begins race with the Hot Wheels High Bus, which is on the slow end of the speed scale.
I Want ‘Em All
Requirements – Unlock all Secret Rarity vehicles.
In City Rumble, you don’t get secret, rare vehicles from blind boxes. Instead, you get them when you finish challenges. You’ll need a total of five secret vehicles for this achievement. The first one, called Duck n’ Roll, is earned by coming in first place in all quick race events. The second, called Hi-Po Hauler, is earned by beating the unleashed time goals in all 32 time attack events.
The third is 442, which you get when you unlock all nine secret event pads. The fourth is Ramblin’ Wrecker, which you get when you finish all five boss races. You’ll get the fifth and last Volkswagen Beach Bomb after you’ve unlocked all the other rare secret cars. It’s not too hard to play, but it takes a lot of time.
It’s Over 9000

Requirements – Upgrade the Rarity of 15 Rare vehicles.
There are a few trophies for upgrading vehicles, but this one will take a lot longer. If you want to improve all of your rare vehicles at the same time, you must first have 15 of them. If you don’t want to do that, you can change them from rare to legendary as you level up.
Each upgrade costs 500 gears, so to make things easier, stock up on this resource and take apart cars you don’t want to build up this number. This trophy is a long-term goal that you can reach with a few other trophies.
King of the city

Requirements – Complete the Unleashed Goal of all the Events.
There is a regular time goal and an unleashed time goal for every race track. To get King of the City, you have to win each race in less time than the unleashed goal, which is often less than a minute. To even have a chance of doing this, you’ll need a few good cars that are fast and easy to control, as well as knowledge of the shortcuts.
You can only reach these unleashed goals if you use shortcuts when you can, so you’ll need to keep practicing and grinding until you reach them all.
Unbridled Luxury
Requirements – Get a total of 100,000 Coins.
Late in 2022, Hot Wheels Unleashed got an update that made it easier to get to 100,000 coins. Each race now gives you about 500 coins instead of the shockingly small 50 coins. The difference between 50 and 500 coins is huge, but you’ll still have to race for hours before you can get this achievement.
There are ways to grind this out, but if you want to do it naturally, stick to online matches and try your best to come in first. You can sell cars you don’t want and buy Blind Boxes to open up more cars to sell.
What do I do with so many?

Requirements – Get a total of 25,000 Gears.
It might seem easier to choose 25,000 gears over 100,000 coins, but it will likely take you longer to get the gears. You can play City Rumble or get rid of old cars to get gears, which are worth a certain amount based on how rare they are.
You’ll get more gears if you break down rare and better ones, but you still have a long way to go no matter which ones you break down. If you’re a new player, you can start this process as soon as you start playing, but if you’ve been playing for a while, you’ll have to work hard for a long time.
Terror of the road

Requirements – Reach the podium in a total of 100 Quick Races.
For this achievement, you need to finish between third and first in a match, specifically the quick race. As with other criteria based on difficulty, the best way to do this is to get better at how the racing works, especially getting better at drifting and cutting corners whenever you get the chance.
It is impossible to finish in the top three in every race, but if you play online, you always have a chance of getting lucky and finishing in the top three. But no matter how you look at it, this achievement is getting harder because so many players have been here since the beginning and are very good at it.