Dangers of using mobile phones while driving on the road

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Mobile phone use while driving poses a number of serious risks, including:

  • reduced sensitivity to surroundings
  • reduced ability to judge distances and road conditions
  • slower reaction times

Using mobile phone while driving has been shown to quadruple the risk of an accident, according to research. This alarming statistic applies to all drivers—not just those who actively obey traffic laws—as well as pedestrians and other drivers.

Bodily repercussions

Physical, mental, and perceptual tasks are all significantly more challenging when using a phone while driving. A collision then has a four-fold increased likelihood as a result.

One of the most frequent accident injuries is whiplash, which can require physical therapy and years of tenderness depending on the force of the impact.

Depending on the nature of the crash and any underlying medical conditions, many car accident victims also suffer cuts, scrapes, and head, chest, and back injuries.

In many developed countries, using a hand-held mobile phone is now generally prohibited; however, hands-free use is still permitted. This gives the impression that using a device while not holding it is safer and less distracting. Research indicates that the call itself is a distraction, so using a phone while driving is risky whether the call is hands-free or not.

Even though the dangers of using a phone while driving have received significant media attention in those nations that have outlawed the practice, it seems that many people continue to use their phones while operating a vehicle.

In a joint survey conducted in 2014 by Brake, a charity dedicated to promoting road safety, and Direct Line insurance, 45% of respondents acknowledged using a phone while driving. In addition, the survey found that one in eight people had used smart applications and that three out of ten had sent or read texts.

While it is obvious that using a hand-held device while driving causes a physical distraction, such as taking one’s hand off the wheel, many people still fail to consider the cognitive distraction that comes with using a hands-free call. Multitasking is mentally taxing; it has been shown to lower levels of concentration and hinder the capacity for sound decision-making.

According to studies, mobile phone use while driving slows down spatial processing by 37%, making it harder for drivers to recognise and react to hazards.

Given the variety of applications that are now easily accessible on your mobile device and the corresponding increase in notifications that appear on your screen, the temptation to use a mobile phone may be greater than ever. A call or text can divert even the most cautious drivers. Your brief moment of distraction as you glance at the notification has the potential to cause an accident.

Driving while inattentive can lead to a variety of mistakes, some of which could be fatal. A lack of awareness of nearby road users and potential hazards is one of them.

Ignoring traffic signals and warnings:

Lack of lane discipline and lane switching without signaling. Struggling to maintain the advised safe speed. Failing to keep a proper distance from the car in front.

Given all of these factors, it may not be surprising that research[3] shows that using a phone while driving can increase crash risk by four times. Even though using a hands-free device may be legal, a police officer may charge a driver with incautious or dangerous driving, which carries a fine or even a prison sentence if they believe the driver to be sufficiently disoriented or out of control.

Tips for safe motoring

  • Before you set out on your journey, turn off your phone;
  • Make calls or check messages during your regular breaks.
  • Despite hands-free technology, refrain from using your mobile device;
  • Find a secure parking spot before making an urgent call;
  • If you know someone is driving, don’t call or text them.
  • Remember that only in an emergency should a mobile phone be used to call the emergency services. If you call someone while they are driving, ask them to call you back after they have finished driving and the car is parked in a safe location.

Make sure to set consequences for breaking the rules when you talk to your teen about these driving regulations. The most crucial thing to remember is to set an example. The most important thing you can do to promote safe driving habits is this. Even at stoplights, avoid using your cell phone while driving. Your teen is greatly affected when you take distracted driving seriously.