Singapore Permanent Resident Renewal: Understanding the Process and Requirements

Singapore has always been a popular destination for people looking for better job opportunities and a higher quality of life. With a robust economy, excellent infrastructure, and a welcoming environment for expatriates, it’s no wonder that many foreigners choose to make Singapore their home. One of the ways to do this is through becoming a Singapore Permanent Resident Renewal. However, PR status is not permanent and needs to be renewed every five to ten years, depending on when it was granted. In this article, we’ll explore the process and requirements for Singapore Permanent Resident Renewal.

Renewal Process

The renewal process for PR status in Singapore is straightforward. PRs need to submit an application for renewal before their current PR status expires. Applications can be submitted online through the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) website or at the PR Services Centre. To apply for PR renewal, PRs will need to create an account on the ICA website and fill out an online application form. The form will require personal information, employment details, and information on any family members who are also PRs. It’s important to ensure that all information is accurate and up-to-date, as any discrepancies could lead to delays or rejection of the application. Once the application is submitted, it will be processed by the ICA. The processing time can vary, but it typically takes around four to six months. During this time, the ICA may request additional information or documents, such as updated employment or income information. It’s important to provide any requested information promptly to avoid delays in the processing of the application.

After the application is processed, the Singapore Permanent Resident Renewal will be notified of the outcome. If the renewal is approved, the PR will be issued with a new PR card. If the renewal is not approved, the PR will have to leave Singapore when their current PR status expires.

Renewal Requirements

To be eligible for PR renewal in Singapore, there are several requirements that must be met. These requirements include:

Continued employment: PRs must have a job and be employed in Singapore. They should also be able to show that they have been contributing to the economy through their employment.

Length of stay: PRs must have resided in Singapore Permanent Resident Renewal  for at least two years before applying for renewal. This requirement ensures that PRs have had sufficient time to integrate into Singapore society and contribute to the country’s economy.

Tax compliance: PRs must have a good record of tax compliance. This means that they should have filed their taxes on time and paid any taxes owed.

National service obligations: Male PRs who were granted PR status before the age of 18 must have completed their National Service obligations. Failure to complete National Service obligations can result in the rejection of PR renewal applications.

Family ties: PRs with family members who are also PRs or Singapore citizens may have a higher chance of approval. This is because family ties indicate a commitment to Singapore Permanent Resident Renewal and a willingness to contribute to the country’s economy and society. It’s important to note that meeting these requirements does not guarantee approval of the PR renewal application. The ICA may take into account other factors, such as the economic climate and the number of PRs in Singapore, when considering renewal applications.

Renewal Fees

There is a fee for PR renewal in Singapore. As of 2023, the fee for PR renewal is SGD 100. This fee is non-refundable and must be paid at the time of application. It’s important to note that failure to pay the renewal fee can result in the rejection of the application. PRs should ensure that they have the necessary funds to pay the fee before submitting their application.

How to obtain an update of the PR Card

Once the renewal process is complete, Singapore Permanent Resident Renewal will receive a new PR card. The old PR card must be surrendered to the ICA before they can receive their new card. The ICA will then update their records and issue a new PR card. It’s important to ensure that the correct personal details, including name and date of birth, are entered in the new card at this time. Failure to do so could lead to delays or complications in future applications, such as changing names or renewing visas.


Singapore Permanent Resident Renewal is an important process that allows PRs to continue living and working in Singapore. It’s also an important step for PRs to maintain their status and be eligible for a variety of benefits.