The Top Reasons Why Relationships Fail


Relationships can be difficult, but they’re also one of the most rewarding and fulfilling commitments in our lives. I’m sure we’ve all heard that “all relationships take work.” This is true, but if you’re ready to put in that work it will pay off! In this article we’ll cover some important factors about relationships that can help you maintain a healthy bond with your partner or spouse.

Lack of Communication

When you’re in a relationship, communication is the key to success. But what exactly does that mean? Communication isn’t just about talking and listening; it’s also about understanding each other’s needs and wants as individuals. It means being honest with each other so that no one feels like they have to hold back on something important because they don’t want to hurt the other person’s feelings or make them mad. Finally, it means being supportive of each other even when things get tough–because sometimes those are the moments where we really need our partners most!

The Power Struggle

The power struggle is one of the most common problems in relationships. It’s a sign that there is a lack of trust and communication between you and your partner. When this happens, it can lead to resentment, anger and eventually divorce.

The best way to avoid the power struggle is by talking with your partner about what you need from them instead of assuming they know what you want without asking them directly.


Incompatibility is a major cause of relationship failure. It’s important to understand that you and your partner may have different personalities, interests, and values. For example:

  • If one person is introverted while the other is extroverted;
  • If one person likes sports while the other prefers reading;
  • If one person has strong religious beliefs while another doesn’t believe at all;

If you can’t find common ground with your partner on any of these issues or others like them (such as communication style), then it’s likely that incompatibility will cause problems for your relationship in the future.

Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are common in relationships. In fact, they can be the cause of many relationship problems. Depression and anxiety can lead to a lack of communication, a power struggle, incompatibility and trust issues.

If you’re experiencing depression or anxiety as an individual, it’s important for your partner to know how they can support you through this difficult time. A good way for them to do this is by asking questions rather than making assumptions about why things aren’t working out between the two of them (or if there even is a relationship). If your partner doesn’t know what’s going on with you physically or mentally then it will be hard for them to understand where exactly their role fits into all this messiness!

Lack of Trust and Honesty

The foundation of any relationship is trust, which is built through honesty and transparency. If you lie or keep secrets from your partner, it will make it very difficult for them to trust you. Trust issues can arise in any relationship as long as there are two people involved who want different things out of life.

  • For example: You want to go on vacation but your spouse doesn’t because they are tired from working hard all week long at their job; so instead of telling them how much fun it would be for both of you together as a couple, he decides instead just go by himself because he thinks this will make his wife happy too (which it won’t). This scenario would lead her feeling betrayed by her husband’s decision making process rather than supported by him like she needs right now after being stressed all week long at work herself!

Failure to Communicate

Communication is the key to a successful relationship, and it’s important to be open and honest with your partner. In order to communicate effectively, you need to know the right way to talk about things. If you’re not sure how your partner feels or what they think, then ask them! Communication should be an ongoing process between two people who love each other; if either party stops talking about their feelings or shuts down communication altogether because they feel hurt by something said in the past (or even present), this can cause serious problems down the road.

If your partner isn’t communicating well with you but still insists on having sex with them regularly (or vice versa), this could indicate that something deeper is going on beneath all those layers of physical attraction–and maybe even love–that brought both parties together in the first place. It might also mean that one person has deeper issues than previously thought: maybe he has trust issues stemming from childhood trauma; maybe she suffers from depression due to past traumas herself? Whatever may be causing such silence between partners should not go unaddressed for long periods of time because sooner rather than later there will come a point where things hit rock bottom before rising back up again

Lack of Trust

Relationships are built on trust, and without it, they will struggle to succeed. Trust is a two-way street that must be maintained by both partners in order to thrive. It’s important to note that trust doesn’t happen overnight; it takes time for this essential bond between you and your partner to develop into something strong enough for you both to rely on each other completely.

Trust isn’t just about being honest with one another–it also involves keeping promises and not betraying each other’s trust in any way. If you break these rules of engagement (even unintentionally), then your relationship will suffer as a result–and so will your self-esteem. When someone has been hurt by lies or broken promises, their ability to trust again becomes severely damaged; if such occurrences occur frequently enough over time within any given relationship (or multiple ones), then eventually there will be nothing left worth salvaging between two people who once loved each other dearly but now find themselves unable to see eye-to-eye due largely because they’ve lost faith not only in each other but also themselves as individuals capable of making wise choices when faced with difficult situations where there may not always be easy answers available right away!

Lack of Support or Positive Reinforcement

If you want your relationships to flourish, it’s important to be a better listener. Being a good communicator isn’t just about saying the right things; it’s also about listening effectively and encouraging others to speak their minds. When someone shares something with you, take the time to listen closely and respond thoughtfully–even if what they have to say isn’t particularly pleasant or interesting.

You can show support in other ways too: offer encouragement when someone is going through a rough time; help them make plans for their future; celebrate achievements no matter how small or insignificant they may seem at first glance (e.g., finishing an essay or passing an exam). These acts of kindness will go far toward strengthening your bond with others while building self-esteem in everyone involved!

Incompatible Values, Interests, and Priorities

Incompatible values, interests, and priorities are the third most common reason for relationship failure. If you don’t share similar values with your partner, it can be difficult to find common ground on important issues like money or religion. You may also have different priorities in life–for example, one person might want to spend more time with friends while another wants to focus on work or family time first.

If you suspect that incompatibility might be an issue for you and your partner (or if someone told you so), here are some things to look out for:

  • Do they prioritize spending time together over doing something else? If so, this is good news! But if their answer was no…well then maybe not so much!
  • Are there certain activities he/she enjoys but aren’t important enough for him/her to make room in his/her schedule? This could indicate some serious differences of opinion when it comes down which activities take precedence over others in life–and could eventually lead down an unhappy path if left unchecked.*

Learn how to maintain a healthy relationship by staying open, honest and loving.

The best way to maintain a healthy relationship is by staying open, honest and loving. Communicate openly with your partner about how you feel and what you need from them. Let them know that their needs are just as important as yours are; in fact, it’s often helpful for couples to take turns supporting each other’s goals instead of focusing on their own alone.

If you want your relationship with someone else to work out well–whether it be romantic or otherwise–then make sure that both parties put in an equal amount of effort into making their bond stronger over time!


If you want to have a healthy, long-lasting relationship, it’s important to stay open, honest and loving.